Wednesday, 9 January 2008


Since I've put up some albums from Chumbawamba (and almost all of them from their "sell-out" phaze) I thought it would be fair to also put up something that comments on Chumbas excursion into the mainstream. So here it is, the Anti-Chumba EP. Best track on it, for me, is by The Bus Station Loonies. Didn't scan the covers - sorry!
Update on 29.01.2008.: Thanx to Malisha from Rockin' Nöiz blog who scanned the covers! Despite The Chineapple Punx and Wat Tyler tracks being listed on the back cover, they weren't pressed on this 7" vinyl.
Re-uploaded on 2012-12-14.

VA - Bare Faced Hypocrisy Sells Records (The Anti-Chumbawamba EP) 7'' [1998]

Year: 1998
Label: Ruptured Ambitions
Size: 23 MB / 224 kbps / 7z / DL

01. Riot/Clone - Chumbawanka
02. Anxiety Society - Always Tell The Punter...
03. Oi Polloi -
04. The Bus Station Loonies - Charlie Harper


Peretz said...

Many people were upset when Chumbawamba signed to a major label, but they gave a lot of money to decent causes and didn't stay on the label long. For me their best releases are their early demos, Pictures of Starving Children LP, Never Mind the Ballots LP, and English Rebel Songs 10" EP.

Nečista Savjest said...

I agree with you, for me too "Pictures Of Starving Children" and "Never Mind The Ballots" LPs are their best releases. I didn't mind that they've signed to a major label, but it was funny cos they sung about how multinationals were corrupted and then they signed to one. I guess a lot of people felt sort of betrayed by them and that's why they were upset.
Thanx for your comment, cheers!

corbypunk said...

Hello, top blog mate!
the reason the songs listed on the sleeve are missing is becase chumbawamba wouldnt permit them! but when you bought the single ruptured ambitions sent them with it on an unmarked tape. i`ve still got it somewhere so i`ll try & dig it out and copy them for you & email to you

corbypunk said...

Hi, i`ve started my own blog now, and one of my first posts is the anti chumba`s e.p. with the missing songs as well, Worth listening to as i think the chineapple punx & wat tyler songs sum up exactly how uk punks felt about them signing to e.m.i. its at we`ve got it on Cheers, mark

Anonymous said...

sve što je download preko mediafirea ne moes to uploadat prek nekog drugog servera?
tenks,keep up the good work! :)

Nečista Savjest said...

@ Anon - Znam da ne radi :( probat ću ponovo uploadad stvari, ali potrajat će to pošto su mi gamad iz Mediafire-a izbrisali account, a ovdje na blogu ima preko 150 postova.

Anonymous said...

mislim da sve abortiraju,i pun kurac blogova sa muzikom za download su izbrisali i večinu uploadanih fajlova više nema.jedino mi preostaje preko torrenta se zajebavat s tim...nije vise lako kao nekad proučavat željenu muziku :/ preko jutuba to nije to,ja zelim sve da cujem!

Nečista Savjest said...

@ Anon - Slažem se, pa i ja stvari stavljam ovdje na blog kako bi sa što više ljudi podijelio zanimljivu muziku... jebi ga, bar ovo što ponovo uploadam nije copyright, pa će valjda sve biti OK. Eh da, probaj sad skinuti ovaj EP, trebalo bi raditi.