Friday, 18 January 2008

Possible problems with DivShare

As you've probably figured it out, I have been uploading files to Divshare. I was pretty happy with their service, but today I found out that they've restricted the size of my (and other free accounts) to 5 GB, and also added a restriction on how many downloads a free account like mine can have in a month. I have no intention to pay to upgrade my account, so there might be some problems with dowloading from DivShare when I reach their quotas for free accounts. I hope that this won't happen, but I feel that I should warn you that maybe there could be some problems with downloading stuff from Nečista Savjest. I'll try to figure it out, I'm trying to find some other file hosting service to upload my files, but to be honest, I'm dreading the possibility that I would have to move all the stuff I've uploaded until now to somewhere else.
Well, that's it for now. If you have problems downloading, if some of the links don't work, please just tell me by posting a comment (under "komentari") in the latest post on this blog, and I'll try to fix it even if it means moving all my files to some other file hosting service.
Cheers for now!

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