Monday, 26 November 2007

Patareni EPs! (NOT ANY MORE!)

It got removed by request from Patareni.
I guess I wasn't fast enough to remove them myself (tbh, I was doing too much New Year celebrating and fighting a monster hangover after that to do any work on the blog) so I suppose Patareni got tired of waiting for me.
This is what I got from MediaFire as explanation why the stuff was removed:
"Hi Jodi, Davor is here.Well what's going on?After 1000000000000 proofs that was sent by me we finally started to work on removing illegal files and now itis been stopped.What's going on?Please remove illegal files of my band.Best regards.Davor"
Well, it was their right to do it, so now you guys will need to find their stuff somewhere else, cos I'm not going to be re-posting this or uploading any of their stuff in the future.
If any other band wants their stuff removed I am more than happy to do it, it will take some time though, as I am not doing this blog on regular basis (as you might have already noticed).


nihilista said...

jel bi prodao nesto od ovog mozda? za masne pare? :)

Nečista Savjest said...

Ne, sorry ne za masne pare... možda za krvave... ne hvala na ponudi, ali ovi EP-i su mi prevelika uspomena.

Anonymous said...

Di ja mogu kupi te CD-ove?

wizard321 said...
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Anonymous said...

Del Putas la Mejor Banda PATARENI, gracias por el aporte saludos desde ECUADOR, Sudamerica.


Anonymous said...

$85 for an 7' on cheaper than ever

Nečista Savjest said...

That much? $85... Damn, I wouldn't be surprised Hađo has a box or two of them under his bed :D

yogi said...

Patareni - one of the best bands i've ever heard!

Nečista Savjest said...

Glad you like them yogi, hope you enjoy the posts!

Anonymous said...

patareni will play again in original...jebemliga, postava

haš (vox)

Anonymous said...

patareni will play again in original...jebemliga, postava

haš - vox of patareni

yogi said...

hi Necista, this is correct tracklist to folder "PATARENI + STRES D.A. - (1990) - split EP"
01. Patareni - 1,2,3,4 (popusi mi)
02. Patareni - Mozak
03. Patareni - Od tod do vecnosti
04. Patareni - Zrtva + Ja bi jebo
05. Patareni - Drink/Stink
06. Patareni - Pisanje
07. Patareni - Pastete
08. Stres D.A. - Bla
09. Stres D.A. - Laz
10. Stres D.A. - Izdaja
11. Stres D.A. - Domovina
12. Stres D.A. - Vonj smrti

Anonymous said...

Amazing blog!!! mega thanx for these Patareni uploads brother!!!!

The crushing thing is that I had all these ep's along with much related stuff from the middle 80's scene, but also lost a lot!! Either borrowed and never returned, stollen maybe, how knows. Fuck it! Now trying to fix the situation but there's an enormous stench of capitalism infecting the spirit on these items, yeah capitalism even in grind, who could tell? Only some coins were needed for an ep back then... Today's insane auction prices at ebay and elsewhere are making me sick! These fuckers never understood! Nevertheless, I'm keep looking to salvage whatever comes in my way. Until then, you and others come in and fill the gap :-)

Cheers from Greece...


Anonymous said...

makni ovaj sa ac sa downloada a ostalo nek bude

Nečista Savjest said...

@ anonim zašto da maknem?

Anonymous said...

dogovor oba banda

PovećaliMiSise said...

U pravu si.Svatko ima pravo na svoje.Proškicala sam malo i vidila da su te tražili da makneš samo jedan link no ti to nisi učinio danima.Prema datumima si imao dosta vremena no izgleda da si se ti jako brzo otreznio i vratio blogu tek kada su oni uzeli stvari u svoje ruke.Štoviše već si bio u stanju napisati i komentar.Od tebe greška počinje pa nema razloga za gundjanje iako je sve ovo glupo ispalo.Živio punk i blogovi!

Nečista Savjest said...

Da, skužio sam tek kad su mi iz MediaFire poslali obavjest da su maknuli fajlove inače ne bih gledao na blog još koji tjedan.
I nisam ništa gunđao, meni to OK, svatko tko ne želi imati svoje stvari ovdje, neka slobodno kaže... A iskreno, nisam ni uzimao ozbiljno anonimne zahtjeve, jer može bilo tko reći da je iz benda itd. U svakom slučaju, ta priča je za mene završena, nema više Patarena, niti ću ih uploadati ponovo. I svi sretni i zadovoljni, nadam se :)

CrnaKrv said...

NE mogu da verujem da patareni traze da se skine njihov EP :(
bas me razocarase...

Anonymous said...

Mene uvijek fasciniraju ovakvi komentari.Bi li itko kupio auto i dao nepoznatima da ga vozi i to još besplatno?Štoviše još može ostaviti pare za bengu da ne ispadne papak.Da li je to punk?To je svoje nemam ali tuđe volim.

Nečista Savjest said...
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