Thursday, 29 November 2007


I don't know anything about this release except that it is apparently a Nervozni Poštar (Nervous Postman) "The Best Of" release. I got it from a friend, already in mp3 format so I haven't seen an original CD of this release. It doesn't matter, Nervozni Poštar are here so you could have fun. Drink some hard liquor (vodka or rakija if you can get it from some Balkan refugees in your area), free your mind from politically correct nonsense of your daily life, and once, just once, try to feel like a real human being. Being macho, throwing your hands in the air, liking everybody around you!! I heard they're playing again, so if you notice a poster advertising their concert near you, go there, you might have the best time of your life. Nervozni Poštar are from Bosnia, they started playing back in around 1985, and were an instant hit performers, since they mixed folk music with heavy metal/hard rock.


Year: 2006
Label: Song Zelex
Size: 65 MB / 128 kbps / 7z

01. Zapamti ja sam gazda
02. Vojnička pjesma
03. Mi smo drvosječe
04. Cirkus Kolorado
05. Nova godina
06. Čoban tjera ovčice
07. Ženska glavo zakon sam ti ja
08. Ženim se
09. Spinks i Tajson
10. Moj Ford stari
11. Marko kamiondžija
12. Dosadna pjesma
13. Poštar u Berlinu
14. Gušterska pjesma
15. To je samo Folk 'n' Roll
16. Poštar u finalu jaro u kanalu
17. ZZ Top
18. Ne spavaj mala moja
19. Ljuljaj me ljuljaj
20. Ništa više nije kao prije
21. Lepi Zajko
22. Srećno mladenci



s.devojka said...

ne mogu vjerovati da se i za ovaj šund našlo mjesta...
znaš, sada mi vuco pada na pamet, mislis da bi i to mogao staviti??? možda samo neke od legendarnih tekstova - lov end drinking dec d vej ajm tinking...

Nečista Savjest said...

Šund? ŠUND??? To mogu napisati samo umišljene studentice FFZG-a :-)
Vuco ne može, prekomercijalan je, možda Živo Blato ako se napijem i sjedne mi na dušu...

Peretz said...

I haven't listend to this yet but if you like folk mixed withmore punk/rock music check out the Ukrainians from the UK who mix Ukrainian folk with punk. And one of my favorites the anarchist folk punk band from Moscow, Mongol Shuudan, brilliant stuff.

Nečista Savjest said...

This band doesn't have any connections to punk or anarchism. It's a band to get drunk while listening them. Lyrics are sort of funny, but maybe only to people who live in this part of the world (Ex-Yugoslavian countries/Balkans). Thanx for the tip about Mongol Shuudan, haven't heard of them yet, but will keep my ears open!

Peretz said...

I LOVE this band. I couldn't find much info about them on the net, but they have a My Space site and there are free downloads of some of their music at According to their myspace site they are living in Schenectady, New York in the USA now.

Anonymous said...

sta vi znate sta je rock'n'roll,niste ni bili rodjeni kad su momci razbijali po celoj yugi!

Nečista Savjest said...

Dragi anonimac, mislim da ti znanje engleskog i nije najbolje, jer bi inače vidio da piše da su Nervozni Poštar ZAKON!!!!!