Debeli Samuraj (or Fat Samurai) were a band from Sombor in Serbia and they play Oi Polloi influenced punk/hc. I got this tape through a friend back in the 1990's and I'm ashamed to say that I don't know anything about them. Lyrics are anarchist, anti-war, and generally pretty good and they sing in Serbian. This tape was a D.I.Y release (and only Debeli Samuraj release that I know of), songs 01-07 from A side and songs 08-14 from B side.
Update on 2008-05-23.: As Milan was kind enough to provide further info on this band I can also inform you that Debeli Samuraj were from a town of Sombor in Serbia, and that they broke up in the late 1990's and that members of Debeli Samuraj later played in a band called Anger Is A Gift.
Re-uploaded on 2012-12-17.
Update on 2008-05-23.: As Milan was kind enough to provide further info on this band I can also inform you that Debeli Samuraj were from a town of Sombor in Serbia, and that they broke up in the late 1990's and that members of Debeli Samuraj later played in a band called Anger Is A Gift.
Re-uploaded on 2012-12-17.

DEBELI SAMURAJ [1997] Svako ima pravo na život... na svoj život imam pravo samo ja! (cass)
Year: 1997
Label: Self-released
Size: 71 MB / 320 kbps / 7z / DL
01. Intro
02. Dosta
03. Mrziš me + Ne želim
04. Odlazite!
05. Vojnik
06. Zbunjen i ranjen
07. Zašto
08. Nazi Scum (Oi Polloi cover)
09. ''Volim i ja vas''
10. Promašena ideja
11. Droga-prevara
12. Mc Off And Die!
13. Zaustavimo nasilje
14. Outro
Ovo je kultno :) Bend je inace iz Sombora,raspali su se krajem devedestih valjda.Clanovi su posle svirali u Anger is a gift.
Hej majstore hvala ti na infu o njima... eto čak sam iskoristio za update :D!
samo da pitam, postoji li mozda koji njihov album u .mp3 formatu? cuo sam ih prije par dana kod frenda...i predobri je kazeta u malo prelosem stanju za presnimavanje...a frend nece prodat XD
Ne razumijem skroz pitanje, jer ovo tu sam stavio na download u mp3 formatu... samo klikni na link Adrive ili Mediafire.
jos jedna info.: bend Debeli samuraj je iz Stanišića, 22 km od Sombora.
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